Granular permissions for working with files, list items and lists added to the Graph API!

Microsoft has extended their permissions model for working with files, list items and lists within the Graph API. The newly introduced Files.SelectedOperations.Selected, ListItems.SelectedOperations.Selected and Lists.SelectedOperations.Selected scopes are available in both delegate and application permission flavors and allow you to granularly control application access! At the same time, they use the same model the Sites.Selected permissions used, so you can easily adopt them. …

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Some ramblings around Continuous access evaluation, support for Graph and service principals

Does the Graph resource support Continuous Access Evaluation? How exactly are long-lived CAE tokens issued, and is it worth it to accept some additional risk as a tradeoff? But most importantly, beware of scenarios where CAE-capable service principal is compromised, as the advertised support for revocation seems to be a bit shady! …

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Updated version of the ODFB shared files report PowerShell script (2022)

Few years back, I released a “proof of concept” script that uses the Graph API endpoints to enumerate all shared files, across all user’s OneDrive for Business site collections within an organization. Due to some recent changes in the underlying Graph API endpoints, I have released an updated version of …

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