Obtaining Entra license utilization insights data via the Graph API

A quick and dirty exploration of the new Graph API endpoint that exposes Entra License Utilization Insights data, now available in public preview. As none of this is currently documented by Microsoft, we cannot provide the full details, but we can still get sufficient data to built our own report! …

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Can you verify whether third-party applications adhere to the Identity platform best practices?

In this article, we take a look at which methods and tools we can use in order to “audit” the adherence to Microsoft’s Identity platform best practices for any third-party applications that might be in use in your tenant. With OAuth app compromises hitting the news on a regular basis nowadays, it is time to action! …

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Reporting on Entra ID directory role assignments (including PIM)

Report on permanently assigned Entra ID directory roles as well as any PIM-eligible role assignments. The scripts come in two versions, one based on the Graph SDK for PowerShell and another one using “raw” Graph API requests. Supports Privileged Access Groups as well (PIM for groups). …

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Reporting on Entra ID integrated applications (service principals) and their permissions

In this article, we are presenting you with an update version of the PowerShell script to report on Entra ID service principal objects and their properties and permissions. In addition, a version of the script running on the Graph SDK for PowerShell is also provided, for usage with delegate permissions. …

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